

Discover How We Prioritize Your Needs in Liner Removal Projects: Enhancing Sustainability and Minimizing Risk with Tailored Re-Gen Solutions.

Pyote, TX
Re-Gen successfully completed the removal of a 40 mil geotextile liner from a freshwater storage pond measuring 780x810 feet. The project, which involved the removal of 1.5 layers of the liner across steep slopes, was finished on schedule in just six days. This efficient and timely execution ensured a smooth transition for the pond's next phase of use.
Lenorah, TX
Re-Gen successfully completed the removal of a 40 mil geonet liner from a 610x601 foot pond used for produced water storage. Despite facing challenges such as extreme weather and excessive silt on the pond floor, the team overcame these obstacles through strategic planning and process development. These efforts allowed the project to stay on track and be completed within 14 days, maintaining the customer's schedule for earthwork. The timely completion showcases Re-Gen's commitment to delivering projects efficiently even under challenging conditions.
Conway, KS
Re-Gen efficiently completed the removal of a multi-layer liner from a 925x905 foot pond used for produced water storage. The project involved removing five layers consisting of scrim, geonet, and geotextile materials. Despite the complexity of the task, the team completed the work in just 8 days, demonstrating Re-Gen's expertise and commitment to efficient project execution.
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Featured Case Studies

A Case Study of Efficient Liner Removal in Freshwater Storage Facility Remediation

Client Background:

Our client, a freshwater storage facility owner, required the removal of a deteriorating liner from their pond measuring 780×810’. The liner, made of 40mil geomembrane, posed both environmental and safety risks due to its degradation.


The unexpected discovery of a second layer posed project delays and cost escalations. Moreover, steep slopes around the pond posed worker safety risks.


Upon encountering the unexpected second layer, we promptly adjusted our strategy while awaiting change order approval. Despite this challenge, we implemented blown-out section rolling to sustain project momentum and minimize delays. Our equipment facilitated seamless navigation of steep slopes, reducing the reliance on manual labor.


Despite the challenges posed by the additional layer and steep terrain, our team successfully completed the project within the original time frame of 6 days. This included the removal of both layers of the liner, ensuring the pond was ready for its intended freshwater storage purpose. Our efficient approach not only saved time but also reduced the number of workers required onsite.

Experience the Re-Gen advantage: Discover how our safe, efficient liner removal services can expedite your project. Get in touch today to discuss your next liner removal project.


A Multi-layer Geosynthetics Removal Case Study

Project Overview:

Located in Conway, Kansas, Re-Gen took on a challenging pond restoration project, encompassing a substantial area of 925 feet by 905 feet. The task initially seemed straightforward: remove three layers of existing materials comprising of geotextile, scrim, and geonet.

The Challenge:

The project’s bid accounted for the removal of three layers. When two additional layers were revealed, it presented a significant challenge. This unanticipated scenario demanded an immediate change order to keep the project moving smoothly while maintaining clear communication with the client.

The Re-Gen Advantage:

Our focus on enhancing efficiencies enables our customers to accelerate job completion, resulting in shorter downtimes. Our patented equipment is engineered to handle diverse liners efficiently, minimizing our impact on-site. Re-Gen’s streamlined process, developed through extensive experience in the geotextile industry, enabled us to handle the change order and modify our removal strategy efficiently.

“In the oil and gas industry time is money and opting for Re-Gen directly saves on turnaround times and third party margins.”

– Produced Water Client.

The Result:

Re-Gen completed the project ahead of schedule by finishing the entire liner removal process in just eight days, even with unexpected layers to navigate. We executed the complex multi-layer removal with exceptional efficiency, addressing challenges that would have presented significant obstacles with traditional manual methods.

Request an estimate today and let’s discuss how Re-Gen can serve you!


From Ponds to Progress: Examining Patented Machinery’s Impact in Time-Sensitive Liner Removal Projects

Project Overview:

Location: Lenorah, TX

Area: 610’x601’

Layers: 3

Material: 40mil Geonet

Application: Produced water recycling

Project Conditions:

The project encountered significant delays due to two primary challenges: extreme weather conditions and excessive silt accumulation on the floor. These obstacles not only extended the project timeline but also posed a threat to meeting the client’s schedule for earthwork.

Solutions & Results:

Through comprehensive planning and process development, we efficiently navigated challenges such as silt accumulation and extreme weather conditions, completing the project in just 14 days, a remarkably swift timeframe compared to traditional manual methods. Our patented machinery, designed for minimal site disruption, ensured optimal conditions upon project completion, highlighting the productivity of utilizing advanced technology over manual methods.


Amidst the challenges of extreme weather and silt accumulation, our Lenorah, TX project stands as a testament to efficiency and innovation. It underscores the power of comprehensive planning and advanced technology.

Contact us today to discuss your liner removal project and leave the rest to us.


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